Environment and Sustainability Committee


17th September 2024


Climate Change Strategy Progress Report

Purpose of the report

To approve the publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report and changes to the action plan

Report Author

Gina Cook - Climate Change Officer (Projects)

Tim Snook – Sustainability and Flood Risk Officer (Projects)

Ward(s) Affected

All Wards



Exemption Reason


Corporate Priority






Committee is asked to:

1.    Agree to the publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report

2.    Approve the changes to the Climate Change Strategy action plan

Reason for Recommendation

As we move towards the 2030 net zero target the council made, it is important that the Council shows its progress in reaching the actions set out in the 2022 Climate Change Strategy Action Plan. It is also important to review the actions to make any changes, additions and removals.


1.            Summary of the report

What is the situation

Why we want to do something

      Spelthorne Borough Council declared a Climate Emergency in October 2020, which led to a Climate Change Strategy which was published in 2022.

      It has been 2 years since publication and as we move towards our 2030 net zero target, we need to review the strategy and report on progress.

      Since publication of the strategy, we have been working towards achieving some of the actions set.

      It is important to review this document as external factors will continue to influence the actions, we set ourselves.

      It is important to hold ourselves accountable and be transparent in our journey to reaching net zero.

This is what we want to do about it

These are the next steps

      Publish a strategy progress report which will be shared both internally and on our website for residents.

      Issue an updated action plan as part of this review to reflect prioritisation within the strategy.

      Gain approval to publish a progress report on our actions within the strategy and for amendments made to the action plan within the report

      Work with communications to create a finalised public facing document

      Publish the 2-year update report


2.            Key issues

2.1         The Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2020, and a subsequent Climate Change Strategy was adopted in September 2022, to affirm the serious nature that climate change poses and not just a global issue, but one that can affect residents within the borough.

2.2         There are 9 key themes within the strategy and 72 actions within them. As the Council progresses closer to the 2030 net zero target, it is important to assess and review where the Council is, where needs further consideration and be transparent on the journey to achieving this target.

2.3         The Progress Report and Action Plan are attached at Appendix A and B.

2.4         8 actions are complete, 51 actions are ongoing, 6 actions are being explored and 7 actions have not yet started. There has been good progress made on several actions in the past 2 years.

2.5         Some of the key successes include delivering carbon literacy training to at least 25% of staff, completed 98% of EPC surveys for all council sites in the commercial portfolio (ahead of 2026 target), EV strategy adopted, Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document adopted, working with SMEs to identify carbon and financial savings, on track to complete the first wet and dry Passivhaus accredited leisure facility and an overall decrease in scope 2 emissions. Documented successes are detailed in Appendix A and Appendix B.

2.6         Areas that are among the biggest contributors to our scope 1 and 2 emissions need additional work. There has been an increase in scope 1 emissions (fleet and gas use). It will take longer to implement these associated actions due to the scale and cost, such as changing heating systems of our assets to renewable sources and moving the council fleet over to electric. However, they are high priority actions, and it is vital that plans are put in place to make sure they are achieved by the 2030 target.

2.7         11 actions are proposed to be removed in the updated Action Plan due to completion or amendments. Changes can be seen in Appendix B.

2.8         The Climate Change Strategy is co-ordinated and monitored by the Climate Change Officer. The action plan and projects to achieve the Council’s Strategic Objectives are owned and delivered by all service areas across the Council.

2.9         Any further details regarding the 2022 Action Plan and Strategy can be found in the initial report taken to Environmental and Sustainability Committee on 6 September 2022.

2.10      The progress report has been discussed with the Climate Change Working Group ahead of this Committee.

3.            Options analysis and proposal

3.1         Option 1: For the Committee to approve publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report and the changes within the Action Plan (recommended option).

3.2         Option 2: For the Committee to reject the publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report and the changes within the Action Plan.

3.3         Option 3: For the Committee to approve only one of the two recommendations.  

4.            Financial implications

4.1         There are no financial implications from this report, though the delivery of the actions will require in many cases funding which is sought at the time of project development.

5.            Risk considerations

5.1         As we get closer to the 2030 net zero deadline, we will need to continuously reassess the likelihood of us reaching this target. Therefore, without continuous reflection we risk reneging on our commitments to reach net zero by 2030 and address the climate emergency.

5.2         The Council will continue to experience the impacts of climate change and will likely face new threats that the Council has not yet prepared for. Recognising this risk, becoming more resilient and taking action now is important.

6.            Procurement considerations

6.1         There are no procurement considerations at this time.

7.            Legal considerations

7.1         The Council may use the relevant functions, powers and duties to implement climate change strategy action plan.

8.            Other considerations

8.1         N/A

9.            Equality and Diversity

9.1         The climate emergency and its impacts will affect all of us. However, many of the effects will be disproportionately felt by those residents and communities who are most vulnerable. It is important to be working towards achieving the actions we have set in our strategy which include working with and alongside residents across the whole borough.

10.         Sustainability/Climate Change Implications

10.1      Climate Change is an intrinsic issue that we face and should be considered in every decision that we make as a Council.

11.         Timetable for implementation

11.1      If approval of report content is given, the report design with communications will need to be finalised and publish no later than November 2024, two years after the final design of the initial strategy was published. The Chair and Vice Chair will be consulted on the final design of the Report.

12.         Contact

12.1      Gina Cook – Climate Change Officer g.cook@spelthorne.gov.uk

12.2      Tim Snook – Sustainability and Flood Risk Officer t.snook@spelthorne.gov.uk


Background papers:


There are none.



Appendix A - Climate Change Strategy Progress Report 2024

Appendix B – Updated Action Plan 2024